OOC Information

Club Information

The Fall River chapter of the Knights of Hell MC is the Mother Charter of a much larger organization. There are over 3 dozen other charters spread-out over North America, and Europe. Click here for a list of other club chapters. The mod team had much to consider when we decided how many members we thought would be the right fit for a tight-knit game, and we consulted various resources to make that decision. Firstly, we considered the canon material for many of us Sons of Anarchy. The table at SAMCRO never appeared to surpass more than 12-15 members at any given point. Secondly, we looked into what limited statistical data exists for Outlaw MCs. According to the United States Department of Justice report from 1991, the largest and most famous outlaw motorcycle club in the world, the Hells Angels, has an estimated membership of 900 patches in 72 charters. That averages out to 13 members per chapter. A more recent report from 2013 cites 2,000-2,500 members internationally in 230 chapters, averaging at 9-11 members.

In order to include more writers, and make the game more interesting the mods decided to expand the size of the charter. The table currently includes the executive board, 2 enforcers, the chaplain, the tail gunner, 10 patches, and 3 prospects. That is a total of 23 members.

  • Click here for more information by the U.S. Department of Justice on Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

    Old Ladies

    While the role of an Old Lady in the MC culture is not official in the form of falling within the scope of membership, or governed through by-laws there are plenty of unwritten rules. Old ladies are a valuable asset to the club as a unit and a good Old Lady is indispensable to her man if he wants to be successful in his club.

    The top priority of an Old Lady is to prepare her patch/prospect for success. Being social, cooperative, and respectful of club norms, traditions, and expectations always makes her patch look good. Supporting the club through service, and loyalty is of the utmost importance. Club events will require the assistance of the women around the club. Lockdowns and moments of crisis are when the women of the club truly shine, they are expected to carry the burden of turning a mans-world into a home-away-from-home for families. This requires teamwork from all of them. Organization of this teamwork is reflective of club hierarchy, starting with the Old Ladies of the E-Board.

    Becoming an Old Lady is not simply the decision of the patch and his partner. The member is expected to put his partner up for consideration to the president of the club, and then to the existing Old Ladies. There is a consideration period before the woman is given the title of an Old Lady. There are certain traits that the president and Old Ladies will be looking for in proposed new members. Trustworthiness is the key feature that other Old Ladies will be considering when approving a new woman into their ranks. Loyalty to her patch and the club. Service provided to the charter. Character and demeanor. All of these things are important and factors when the decision is made.


    When the mod team started to put together this game we had many things to consider, and one big point of discussion was the use of NPC patches. We understood that writers wanted to have connections to the MC through fathers, or brothers that were NPCs -- however, the democratic nature of the club requires voting. Voting means that every person needs to be accounted for and tallies need to be taken to make decisions. NPCs would have complicated that process. The mod team came to the decision that no NPCs would be allowed in the Fall River charter to avoid problems with the voting system, and to keep spaces at the table available for played characters.

  • Click here for our rules page.

    We have decided to further expand our limit on the use of NPCs in order to avoid confusion among our players. For the sake of consistency, we are requesting that Old Ladies are not NPCed either unless there is expressed consent by the mod team. The dropbox is always available for questions, comments, and concerns. Please reach out to us in order to consult the use of an NPC Old Lady, club member (ex. in prison), or prospect.