
Lockdown is a defensive event ordered by the charter for all members, family, and associates of the club. There are varying degrees of severity in which a lockdown can take form but in most cases it requires that all family, friends, and members of the club be housed and protected within the clubhouse compound. These measures are taken in order to secure the family and friends, and limit the exposure of club members. Lower level security threats demand above normal readiness and response from the club, and protection for family. While immediate response readiness means patrols are set along the perimeter of the compound with armed patches, guns are brought out of storage, and no one is allowed to leave the compound without an escort.


  • Lockdown is initiated by the club president with consultation from his Executive Board     Click for informaion on the E-Board.
  • Orders are handed down through the Sergeant-at-Arms for patches to secure the compound
  • Family, friends, and associates are alerted to lockdown by the Secretary and the Secretary's Old Lady (if applicable)
  • Prospects begin to secure the clubhouse in anticipation for incoming guests
  • Old Ladies and other women of the club are mobilized for comfort necessities: supplies, food, sleeping arrangements, entertainment for children, etc
  • The Sergeant-at-Arms organizes watches to begin of the perimeter of the compound
  • Once lockdown begins no one is allowed to leave the compound without an escort (organized by the road capt.)
  • Further information procedures once lockdown as begun in the "Division of Labor" section


    It is the responsiblity of the Secretary and the Secretary's Old lady to make sure that everyone is informed that Lockdown protocols have been initiated by the club. This includes, but is not limited to, alerting club members that lockdown procedures are active and informing friends, family, and associates of emergency situations.

    In instances where the club is split, patches should contact all ranking members of the E-Board about the emergency at home. A "group text" using burner phones with all E-Board members included should be created to keep all members informed. Every patch should have a burner phone and encrypted channels of communication provided by the club hacker and security specialist.

    Divsion of Labor

    Lockdown is always a time of chaos and disarray. Suddenly, the men's space has to be a place that accommodates families. In order to maintain order during lockdown, there is a designated point-person to turn to for all security matters, such as assigning escorts and scheduling limited comings and goings as needed to resupply, etc. Usually this is the role of the Sgt-at-Arms. If the SAA is not present, the patches on-site will designate a single point-person to coordinate such matters.

    For matters of comfort, everyone is expected to go to the Queen of the club. Usually this is the President's Old Lady. In lieu of there being one, it is the ranking female of the club, usually another officer's OL.

    Both security point-person and comfort point-person will be responsible for figuring out what tasks are needed to be completed, take a tally of volunteers, and then divide out the tasks accordingly.